Imma and Gram — BFFs

Did you know that Gram and Imma are Besties?

If you can wrap your brain around the idea that two sides of my brain can be friends, you will understand.  Both sides of your brain are important and work together to create the unique and wonderful you!  Each side has it’s own unique function, but they need one another in order to be whole.  I like the idea of being friends with myself.

How about you?  Do you like one side more than the other?  Do you wish one side would function in a different way for you?  Why do you feel that way?  Can you see how the left brain and the right brian work together to make your writing what it is?  Can you see the contributions from both sides? 

In honor of Gram and Imma’s friendship, I wanted to share this link to Freedom born…set free.  Ron and Anne have created a power point presentation on friendship that they share in this particular post called Friendship Bouquet.  I hope you enjoy it, and remember to be a friend to yourself 🙂  Happy Writing!  Gram & Imma 🙂


  1. Hi Angie, thanks again for the reblog and sorry about the link on your other blog I thhough I could help and I have been having Blog problems so I thought it was that.

    Your message was Interesting and well written but what is amazing is God makes up for any lack we have but in differant ways, perhaps this link will explain it better…

    Blog Post –

    Christian Love Anne

    • Lol. No problem. If I hadn’t seen it when I did, it would have been out all day! Angie

  2. Lovely to remember there are people who care.

    • Yes it is 🙂

  3. isaiah43123

    People are much like the brain, each created with unique qualities and in need of each other. Thanks for stopping by My Hmmm Collection and deciding to tag along.
    Keep the Faith!

    • Very true and you’re welcome 🙂 Angie


  1. Topics « Writing with both sides of my brain
  2. Great Minds? « Writing with both sides of my brain
  3. My Favorite Lady Friend « Writing with both sides of my brain

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