Puzzle Pieces

The sides of the brain are like puzzle pieces.  They work better when they go together.  Even for those who are dominantly right or left brain, the other side is part of who they are.  At first look, it may appear the puzzle consists of only two pieces that look like this:

In reality, the complexity of both sides of the brain creates a puzzle most difficult to solve.  And yet, it works together in harmony without conscious thought most of the time.  That’s one reason the brain is often compared to a computer.  Most of us use our computer without every thinking about how it works.  If you do know about computers, you know it is a process, often a complicated one, that makes everything work together.  Just like the brain, when something goes wrong, it can affect the whole thing.

How does that apply to our writing?

A Spherical puzzle with only few pieces in it

A Spherical puzzle with only few pieces in it (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Usually, writers just write.  The words come to us, sometimes with a little tugging, we write them down, fix the mistakes, publish, and move on to the next project.  But, occasionally, things go wrong.  Writers block is but one example of things that can go wrong in our writing world.  Burnout, frustrations with understanding others’ specs, and more play into our writing.

–Some of us have a good grasp of grammar.  Some do not.

–Some of us are so focused on grammar we become nazis about it.  Others do not.

–Some of us like to write at night.  Some like to write in the morning.

–Some need complete quiet.  Others can work with a marching band going through the room.

Puzzle Krypt

Puzzle Krypt (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We’re all different.  But understanding how our individual brain works and doesn’t work can help us become better writers.  When a piece of our puzzle doesn’t work well or fit in with what’s needed, we can ask others to help us or learn how to do it a different way.  Suppose I know grammar is an issue, I can use the tools at hand (friend, grammar sites, software,…) to make sure my posts/articles don’t go out a mess.  {Sorry to use that for an example so often 🙂 }  Another way we can find help with things that we lack is through a mentor.  If you don’t know how to do research, you would seek out someone who does and learn from him or her.



What’s one writing task you know you do well?

A young girl completing a jigsaw puzzle, with ...

A young girl completing a jigsaw puzzle, with other finished puzzles around her. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Do you use it to help other writers who lack in this area? Why/Why not?

What’s one writing task you know you do not do well?

Do you seek help to either learn or have someone help you in this area?  Why/Why not?

Not every writer is going to be in tune to his or her inner workings, and may see no need.  But those that head the pack tend to be more aware.  They also tend to be givers, reaching to help others, and unafraid to ask for help.  Agree?  Disagree?


  1. authormjlogan

    What’s one writing task you know you do well?
    I can focus on a specific style of writing and adjust to it very quickly.

    Do you use it to help other writers who lack in this area? Why/Why not?
    Sometimes. I don’t get many requests for help on that particular aspect of writing.

    What’s one writing task you know you do not do well?
    I have a hard time letting go of the work and ending a story.

    Do you seek help to either learn or have someone help you in this area? Why/Why not?
    I have, but people since most people are glad to be done, I don’t get much help with this.

    • Mike, thanks for answering the questions :). I can see the difficulty in teaching someone your gifted area. I have a feeling you would help anyone who asked though. I know you are a lot of help for the little things (like tech issues). Secret to ending a story – put a period there 🙂 (bad joke???) 🙂 Angie

      • authormjlogan

        Ironically, that is the answer I am usually given. Just stop and end it.

        But like a little kid (Oh yeah right brain at work) who hates the story to end, so does Muse and often, the period is the real answer to the problem.

      • If I could write a story like you do, I might have problems putting that period there too. I do sometimes have a hard time ending posts, but I think that’s a different problem 🙂

  2. ravenraye

    Thanks for relating my blog post.

    • You’re welcome Raven 🙂

  3. ravenraye

    Sorry, it wouldn’t let me finish. Grammar is my worst area. I have books- Strunk and White is the best one I’ve found. My best area, after much thought is plotting. I plot everything then I have to go back and fill in, goals, conflict, dialogue, etc. Great post.


    • I’m glad to see you know how to look up the information you need in the areas where you struggle. There’s always a Grammar Nazi around who would love to help as well 🙂 Plotting – I am NOT good at that. I can see how that would help with one’s writing, though. I am a Grammarian, but I couldn’t tell you the whys of some things – I just know it. That doesn’t always carry over to my writing if I forget to check it though :]
      Thanks for dropping in and taking the time to share with us! 🙂 Angie

  4. Hi Angie, Interesting but as you no doubt know or are finding out as I did, there is so much they still don’t know about the Human body including Mental disorders, it helps to remember that it has been proven today that many Psychiatric findings have been in error, such as wrongly diagnosing someone who has a hormone imbalance with having a Metal disorder like Bipolar or claiming a Psychotic episode is due to a Mental illness when it was prompted by a sleep disorder or panic attacks when they are because of low blood levels, and fear attacks being a Mental illness when they have been due to guilt and deep fear in someone’s life and so on. Their understanding of the Brain, and yes even Dyslecticia are mostly unproven theories, their not even sure about Aids now, where once it was thought to be Virus the latest research shows it may be a bacteria that attacks the immune system and originates in the Anus. Hashimoto’s disease which is a Thyroid disorder, research in the last 3 years has discovered that it has the same symptoms has a Mental disorder and many are suspected of having been wrongly diagnosed and treated as mentaly ill.

    Doctors themselves admit knowing only a small percentage of how the Body functions, they still don’t have conclusive evidence about Dementia and Alzheimer’s. I was asking my own Doctor about all of this and she confirmed it is true, she said we mainly treat the symptoms, I shared some of the things I had read but she confirmed that a lot of information on the Internet is not only hearsay, contradicts and is unproven, I also found this out with other things, I asked a friend that is a nurse in a Mental Hospital and she also agreed whith what my Doctor said.

    But thankfully we do have a Mentor, how wonderful that God knows every hair on our head and exactly how we are programmed having Created us and what ever Doctors do know that is proven as true still comes from Him, He is really the only healer.

    I found this link about people who are Dyslectic, Wow it opened my eyes, I’m certainly not alone but I still cannot work out why I’m not famous http://www.dyslexia.com/famous.htm we can sometimes only expand our knowelage by life testimonies as you shared which do hold a lot of more Truth then theories.

    Christian Love Anne

    • It took me a while to reply to this because I had to think and pray about how to respond. Yes, I am aware of this information. The brain is an amazing thing. The dyslexia explains some things lol. I have a sort of dyslexia myself. I see things switched around sometimes. When my husband (then just friend) and I were on our way to visit my parents, we stopped at a gas station for gas. I went in to go to the bathroom. I see the “Women’s” sign and walk in to find I am in the Men’s room and he is standing at the urinal (couldn’t see anything -whew!). Both of us turned red, and I turned and walked out to find the real Women’s room. I always double check because that’s not the only time I’ve done something similar. It makes life more interesting 🙂 Angie

      • Lol … Angie I’m not into potty humour but real life is differant, I can releate to your Blooper although I wish I couldn’t but it does match up with one of mine, ok I have had many so quiet a few will match up but this ones much the same as yours.

        I was just finishing in the toot when I heard Men’s voices outside my cubical, I realised by the sound of the urinal that I must have rushed into the wrong toilet, I thought to myself, I will just wait till they finish, I don’t want to be embarrassed, communal toilets were not common then.

        Believe me Angie over half an hour later with listening to the highlights of the big Footy match, I knew why it is not one of my favourite pastimes, in fact now I can’t even watch it and strangly I’m relieved 😀

        Blooper Annie

      • SNORT/GUFFAW/HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!! Thanks for making my day (again) lol.

  5. elizabeth

    Well, I know for sure that my weakness is grammar. And my strength is that I’m not that bothered anymore about how bad it is. If I am submitting a piece of work to a publisher I will ask an editor friend to proof or do a line by line edit for me. The only way I help others is by writing something they need to know, but of which I have no clue. 🙂 I love when that happens.

    • I love when that happens too, Elizabeth. Definately a God thing! I’m glad you have a friend who will help you out in that area – that’s the whole point of some of my posts 🙂 Angie

  6. Regarding seeking help, yes I do look for help from other online writers. I am still fairly new at the game (is it a game?) and I look to their experiences to help me. Good post!

    • It does feel like a game at times:) It’s more like a marathon though. Fortunately, there are many of us out there who will willingly help others when we can. 🙂

  7. Yes, I am still seeking help in my writing although I do not have a lot of trouble with grammar, I must be extra careful not to give it that last once-over and then another one before letting other eyes view my scribbles.

    • Good idea. I’m always willing to take a look-see if you need it. Thanks for stopping by and commenting:) Angie

  8. Always a complex issue! I prefer to breakdown the revision process into subsets once I’ve written out the basic idea/inspiration: grammar, terms, diction and overall flow. All overlap, of course…I usually edit while writing.

    • Isn’t it funny how we each develop our own process? I usually edit while writing too, but the Imma part of me doesn’t always want to interupt the flow of thought. I’m trying to learn how to let things go a bit. Thanks for coming by and sharing 🙂 Angie

      • Indeed, there is a balance to be found in there somewhere. Happy to share! 🙂 George

  9. I enjoyed your post Ansuyo. As in any craft, be it writing or speaking, for example, there are those who are born with natural gifts while others have to work and perfect their skills. That’s my take on it anyway. I’m definitely in the ‘working to perfect’ set. 🙂

    • lol. I think everyone has a gift of one kind or another, and we need them all. AND there’s nothing wrong with hard-fought-for talent either 🙂 Thanks for dropping by.

  10. I like your approach to the subject. Now understanding the workings of my convoluted brain… ayee!

    • Thank you Nelle 🙂 I’m not sure we’ll ever understand it, but this is my pitiful attempt. I’m glad you enjoyed it! Angie

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