Handling Criticism — Learning to Critique

Today I’m sharing a post from someone else about criticism.  Before I share the link, here are a few things to think over:


â–ºDo you anticipate your comments with every post to judge whether you have ‘made it’ as a writer?

â–ºDo you cry/pout/sulk/rage/fill-in-the-blank when you get criticism for something you wrote?

â–ºDo you take it personally?

â–ºDo you take every critique to heart?


â–ºDo you take critique with a grain of salt?

â–ºAre you comfortable in your own writer’s skin, so that you don’t need validation from others (even though we all like it).

►How do you respond to critique?  Does it make you cry or do you appreciate it (most of the time)?


â–ºHow do you offer critique?  Are you overly critical?  Do you expect perfection?  Do you recognize that it can be good even if you don’t like it?  Do you offer positive feedback with your negative feedback?  . . .  Are you afraid to offer criticism to others, even when it is asked for?


The article gives some great advice about handling negative haters criticism.  I’d like to write it here, but it’s not mine, so you will have to click on the link and check it out.

The article:  “Five steps toward Making Peace with Criticism“.

I found that from C. Hope Clark (who runs another excellent writing site) in an article called:  “The Power of Ourselves“.

Another helpful article talks about the difference between criticism and critique.  Writers (and others) should know the difference.


  1. Angie, this is a great article and should be a must-read for all new writers. Thanks for sharing! ~R

    • Thanks Raymond. It might save people a few hard moments if they did. 🙂 Angie

  2. Having edited others’ work and been edited myself, I know it’s a delicate process. As a writer, it’s OK to stand up for yourself but you have to take a good, long look at your work before you do so. Criticism is often a good thing but is not always delivered in the best manner. 😉

    • I edit as well, and try to always be nice. I’ve had editors of my stuff (internet writing sites) who sounded very arrogant, especially the one who told me that “as a fellow editor, I should know better” about an article I had written long before the standards were raised. Gulp. Lol. It’s all part of what we do. :)Angie

  3. One must be prepared for a lot of rejections too! You must persevere! Writing is an acquired skill. Great advice, Angie.
    God Bless You!

    • This is very true Deidre! Anyone who doesn’t handle rejection well should not choose writing. Thanks for dropping by, Angie

  4. Hear. Hear. I believe I’m growing a thicker skin as I strive to write better today than yesterday. Marvelous idea to post this, Angie.

    • Thanks Tess 🙂

  5. Criticism can be hard to take sometimes! I do like to hear other people’s opinions and find that critical words can improve my writing. An extra pair of eyes helps…

    • I am going to do more follow up on the difference between criticism (negative) and critique (positive).  It’s sometimes hard either way, but there’s always something to learn. :)  Glad to see you posting in your blog again.  I hope that means things have calmed down for you a bit. 🙂 Angie

      Blessed beyond measure!


  1. Ten things I’ve learned from giving and receiving critique | Writerly Goodness
  2. 10 ways writers can take criticism #scriptchat « Camden Script Analysis

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