

Teapots (Photo credit: anehan)

♫little tea-pot short and stout.

Here is my handle; here is my spout.

When I get all steamed up,  Then I shout.

Just tip me over and pour me out!♫



He he, I’ve been chasing a lot of butterflies lately, just because I can, and I think they’re so pretty.  It amazes me how such an ugly bug (look at the part the wings are attached to) can be so beautiful.  Even the less pretty ones are still beautiful to me.  They are also the perfect metaphor for writing.


Lexdenn - caterpillar (by)

Lexdenn - caterpillar (by) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

They start out as these little worm-like caterpillars, crawling around and eating leaves.  Some of them are pretty, but they’re still pretty much just bugs.   This is like we writers in the beginning.  Some of us start early to write and others come to it later, but no one starts out perfect.


At a time known only to the caterpillar (and science) the caterpillar will attach itself to a branch and begin to spin silk (yarn) around itself.  This is a laborious process for the caterpillar, but one he does not complain about.


At a certain time in the life of a writer, it’s time for a change.  We are no longer satisfied with the life of a caterpillar.  A pretty enough bug crawling around, hampered by gravity.  We begin to pay attention and spin ‘yarns’ or stories (fiction or otherwise) around ourselves.  Weaving our words into cocoons articles, blog posts, novels, short stories, etc. working hard to create something that will transform us from an ordinary bug writer to one who has “made it”.  Of course each writer probably has his or her own definition of having “made it” or success.  Whether one measures success monetarily, by the number of readers, or even by having pleased oneself, the process is the same.


The cocoon could represent many things to many writers, but it is the place where transformation takes place.  A bug person goes from someone who writes to someone who is a writer.  The former caterpillar crawls slowly out of the cocoon, a struggle that allows him to fly in the end.  The struggle for the writer is often what makes the writer in the end.  Whether a writing struggle, an acceptance struggle or a circumstantial struggle, it all works to create a strong person and a strong writer.   Those without such experiences remain shallow and uninformed, causing their writing to stay in the leggy bug person that writes stage.


The former caterpillar emerges from the cocoon very different.  He is still a bug, but he is no longer bound by gravity.  He spreads his wings, allows them to dry, and tries them out.  Soon she is flying all over the place, testing her wings and bringing beauty to all who view her.

"What the caterpillar calls the end of th...

"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls a butterfly" - HBW ~ (Photo credit: turtlemom4bacon)

The emerging writer finds him or her self with a beautiful pair of wings.  He or she is no longer bound to the ordinary.  He or she has found wings to soar.  You will know these butterflies transformed writers by the beauty they bring through the written word.


Wherever you are along the process, know that you too can spread your wings and fly if you’re willing to do what it takes to get there.  I hope you enjoyed our Entomology lesson.


What do you think?  Have you spread your wings or are you still stuck as a person who writes?  How do you define “success” as a writer?  Are you willing to put in the work it takes to reach your goal?  


See you next time all my fellow butterflies!!!!   😀  Imma

Cairns Birdwing, the largest butterfly in Aust...

Cairns Birdwing, the largest butterfly in Australia. Taken in the Melbourne Zoo, November 2006 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


  1. I like this post, Ansuyo! I feel like a butterfly, but I haven’t spread my wings to the fullest yet, because I don’t make much money as a writer. I am okay with that, but eventually I would like to improve on it. I consider success with writing being any time I write something. When I post this comment, I will feel successful. It’s as simple as that to me. I just love writing 🙂

    • Another night owl? I agree. I actually am finding fulfillment in the blog writing more than the article writing, but I would love to be able to add to our household income. From what I can see, it looks like you are flying for sure 🙂

      • Thanks. Yep, I’m usually up until 3 AM. I did ghostwriting and article writing for about 8 months, but at the end I got tired of producing so much writing to make so little, when I no longer enjoyed it very much. When I got to that point, I switched over to writing books, blogging, and writing book reviews. I’m happier, but less income comes with it. I choose happiness over money 🙂

  2. Wonderful analogy and I love the pictures.

    • Thank you Valentine. Enjoy your flight! 🙂

  3. authormjlogan

    Excellent post. The analogy is perfect and I see myself in it. Thanks!

    • Thanks Mike. I’m glad you were able to see yourself in it. 🙂

  4. Love how you used the similarity between the caterpillar and the writer. Absolutely delightful.

    What pleases me as a writer is finishing what I started.

    • I think I’m in the pushing out from the cocoon stage – tired – but anticipating the flight to come. I love how we can each be unique in our writing, from what we write and how we write to what pleases us about it. 🙂

  5. elizabeth

    Beautiful and inspiring post Angela. Loved the comparisons with nature.

    To me success as a writer means I have written something that is a complete thought, has a clear beginning, middle and end, and is in some way entertaining or informative.

    • Thank you Elizabeth. So who determines whether your writing meets these critera? You or your readers??? Pop Quiz lol 🙂

      • elizabeth

        That’s easy Angela, Me! LOL 🙂

      • LOL!!!

  6. Loved the butterfly lesson! No doubt about it, if you want to be a successful author, you better embrace perseverance and write, write, write. 🙂
    God Bless You!

    • Yes, it is definately not something that comes without a lot of work. Thanks for your comment. 🙂


  1. “And how do you feel about that?” « writing with both sides of my brain

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